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Leagal Statements

1. User Agreement of Buttress Roots

The ownership and operation right of Buttress Roots cross-border e-commerce platform belongs to Buttress Roots (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company"), and no unit or individual shall carry out commercial or non-commercial activities in the name of our company and the websites owned by our company without the authorization of our company. All users must first register after reading the User Agreement of Buttress Roots, and then complete relevant certification according to their own roles before they can become formal purchasers, suppliers and engineers and obtain the rights of different roles given by the platform.

When the service content of t Buttress Roots platform needs to be announced due to the modification, change, or other important events, the platform will choose the form of important page announcement, e-mail, etc. according to the actual situation.

2. Copyright Notice 

The contents of purchasers, suppliers, Engineers Home, products and services published on our website (www.brt-link. Com), including but not limited to text information, pictures, charts, documents, sounds, videos, logos, advertisements, trademarks, layout design, content classification standards and all information provided by user registration and certification, They are protected by the copyright law of the people's Republic of China, the patent law of the people's Republic of China, the Trademark Law of the people's Republic of China and the laws on copyright, patent right, trademark right and other property ownership in applicable international conventions. They are exclusively owned or held by our company and its relevant obligees. They shall not be misappropriated without permission, violators will be prosecuted.

3. Information and Privacy Security

Once the purchasers, suppliers and engineers who enter Buttress Roots platform successfully register and authenticate and become the legal users of our company, they will get a password and user name. The user will be fully responsible for the security of the user name and password, and each user shall be fully responsible for all activities and events carried out with his user name. If the user finds that there is a security vulnerability in the account, please change the password immediately and notify our company.

Our company will strictly protect the user's personal information in accordance with laws, regulations and relevant national standards to ensure that the user's privacy is not infringed, unless there are legal permission requirements or explicit authorization of the user.

4. Disclaimer

Any opinions expressed by users in this website forum are personal opinions, which does not mean that our company and our company also hold the same view.

5. User Commitment

Users registered on the Buttress Roots platform shall comply with the following provisions in accordance with China's national laws, local laws and international legal norms:

5.1 Users must provide true information and be fully responsible for the information published on this website.

5.2 The transmission of data and information from China must comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations.

5.3 The use of network services shall not be used for illegal purposes.

5.4 Do not interfere with or attack network services.

5.5 Comply with all network protocols, regulations, procedures and practices for using network services.

Users must promise not to transmit any illegal, harassing, slandering, abusive, threatening, injurious, vulgar, obscene and other information. In addition, users cannot transmit any information that abets others to commit a criminal act, and unable to transmit information related to national security, and do not transmit any materials that do not comply with local regulations, national laws and international laws. Users should bear legal responsibility for their online behavior. If users spread reactionary, pornographic or other information in violation of national laws on our company, the system records of this website may be used as evidence of users' violation of laws. Our company has the right to make independent judgment on illegal acts and immediately cancel user services.

6. Service Termination

Our company and users can terminate the service of the Buttress Roots platform according to the contract or the actual situation. After the end of the user service, the user's right to use the network service shall be terminated immediately. 

7. Application of Law

The service terms of Buttress Roots platform are consistent with the legal interpretation of The People's Republic of China, and the user and our company agree to obey the jurisdiction of the laws of The People's Republic of China. In case of any conflict between our terms of service and the laws of The People's Republic of China, these terms will be reinterpreted in full accordance with the laws, while other terms will still have legal effect and impact on users.