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Supplier Authentication

1.  User Registration

1.1You need to register an account first, click "Login", and then click "Register".

1.2 In the "Registrer" interface, set the account number and password according to the prompt, enter the email information, correctly fill in the verification code, and check "Read and end《User Agreement of Buttress Roots》", then the registration is successful.


1.3 In the "Login" interface, correctly enter the user name and password just registered to log in.

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1.4  If you forget your password, click "Forgot the password" on the login page, and in the new interface, enter the email address you filled in during registration, click "Submit", and reset your password according to the system tips received by your email address.


2.  Supplier Authentication

2.1 Submit Authentication Materials

Enter the account number and password on the login interface, and after successfully logging in, select "Supplier Authentication" in the personal center, fill in the detailed information of the company and upload the relevant materials, click "Next Step". After confirming that the information is correct , get it submitted and wait for the system to review, which usually takes 1-3 working days.



2.2 Authentication Done

After the supplier’s authentication is done, the "Supplier Authentication " in the personal center will be updated to "Supplier". Click "Supplier" to upload product information, furnish corporate information, and conduct normal transactions with buyers.


3. Brand Management

Suppliers need to perform brand authentication before uploading products. In the "Supplier Management" interface, click "Licensed Brands", and select "Private Brands" or "Agency Brand" according to the actual situation of the product to be uploaded.


3.1 Private Brands

In the "Private Brands" interface, click "New Brand", fill in the brand information truthfully, submit it after confirming that the information is correct, and wait for the system review. The system review time usually takes 1-3 working days.

3.2 Agency Brands

In the "Agency Brands" interface, click "New Agency Brand", fill in the brand information truthfully, upload the brand authorization certificate, confirm the information is correct, submit it, and wait for the system to review. The system review time usually takes 1-3 working days.

4.  Product Management

Product information consists of text and pictures, and detailed information can help suppliers get orders from buyers more conveniently and efficiently.

4.1 Enter the Product Management Interface

On the product management interface, click "New Products" to enter the product upload interface.


4.2 Edit Product Information

In the "New Product" interface, the supplier can upload the basic information of the product according to the characteristics of the product. At present, the platform is configured with four language versions: Chinese, English, Russian and Spanish. Product information in Chinese and English must be uploaded. If there is no product information in Russian and Spanish, you can upload the English version first, and then fill in the rest language version.



4.3 Submit Product Information

After editing the product information, click "Submit". Considering the flexibility of product editing and listing, the management and review of product information should be completed by the suppliers themselves, and the suppliers should ensure the authenticity and legality of the information.


4.4 On/Off the Shelf Products

All submitted product information will be displayed in the "Product Management" interface. Suppliers can click "Unavailable" to confirm whether to upload products in the pop-up window. If they need to re-edit or remove products, the operation steps are similar. Manage all product information according to the actual situation.



5. Order Management

When the buyer sees the products information from the supplier, they often consult with the supplier through email or telephone in the early stage, and the platform will provide a more convenient communication window in the later stage. If the information is communicated correctly, the buyer will place an order. Both the buyer and seller can proceed with the transaction only after the supplier confirms the relevant information of the order.

5.1 Complete Order Information

After the buyer submits the order information, the supplier's mailbox will be reminded of the order, and the supplier will see the order "waiting for perfection" in the "Order Management" interface. Click "View Details" to complete the order information in the new interface. and product prices.



5.2 Contract Management

The platform will automatically generate a contract based on the transaction information of the buyer and the seller. The supplier can download, view and furnish the contract information in the "Order Management" interface. After confirmation, they can sign, seal and upload the contract.

5.3 Invoice Management

5.3.1 Domestic Transactions

For domestic transactions, if the buyer needs an invoice, the supplier needs to issue a corresponding invoice based on the invoice information. For details of the invoice information, please refer to the "Invoice & Contract" column in the "Order Management" interface.

5.3.2 Export Trade

For export trade, the system will automatically generate an English version of the invoice. For details of the invoice information, please refer to the "Invoice & Contract" column in the "Order Management" interface. Suppliers need to confirm the accuracy of the invoice information.

5.4 Order Status Tracking

The execution status of the order will be updated. Suppliers can click "View Details" in the "Order Management" interface to follow the latest progress status of the order.